This is a library for a generation that understands knowledge, values and ethics are the basis for the development of a more inclusive society
Teresa e Alexandre Soares dos Santos
The library of the Nova School of Business & Economics gives you access to new eBooks.
eBooks BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT – Copyright Year 2021
This collection presents the most current research across all sub-disciplines in business and management—whether it’s how scientific research on mindfulness can improve productivity in the workplace or the latest guidance on maximizing supply chain efficiency, we have it covered.
Key topics in this collection: Operations Research and Management Information Systems; Innovation and Technology Management; Entrepreneurship and Family Business; International Business; Human Resource Management and Workplace Relations.
eBooks ECONOMICS AND FINANCE – Copyright Year 2021
This collection includes cutting-edge research and important thinking on global economic and financial topics such as economic theory and policy, econometrics, development economics, banking, and corporate finance.
Key topics in this collection: Quantitative Economics and Finance; Banking; Development Economics; Political Economy; Economic History and History of Economic Thought.
You also have full access to all the books published in 2018, 2019 and 2020 of the same 2 collections.
All ebooks are available through the library catalogue.