February Featured Books: Boosting Self-Development

Welcome to our February Featured Books selection, where we’re kicking off the new year and semester with a focus on self-development. As we embrace the fresh start that February brings, we’ve curated a collection of empowering reads designed to inspire growth and personal transformation. Whether you’re seeking guidance on goal setting, mindfulness practices, or strategies for self-improvement, our carefully chosen titles are here to support you on your journey. From practical guides to motivational memoirs, there’s something for everyone looking to invest in themselves and make the most of this exciting time of renewal:

Atomic Habits

James Clear

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Man’s search for a meaning

Viktor Frankl

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Thinking, fast and slow 

Daniel Kahneman

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Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas

Dale Carnegie

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Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help

Edgar H. Schein

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Taekwondo: o caminho dos pés e das mãos

José Romano

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Search inside yourself

Chade-Meng Tan

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Aware: the science and practice of presence

Daniel J. Siegel

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Emotions revealed: recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life

Paul Ekman

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